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At my Age

I saw this quote the other day and had to smile. It has been interesting finishing school at my age. I have had this feeling more than once that I am a little old, and finishing school is something I should have done a long time ago. Usually I remind myself that we all have our own paths to take in life. My path had me marry at 19 and become the mother of four beautiful rug rats by 27. Marriage and children defined me more than anything. I became more aware of my talents and abilities. I really didn't know who I was before I became a wife and mother. Waiting until now to finish my degree gave me time to figure out who I am. Well, at least to have a better idea of who I am. I love being in a classroom, I love learning, and I love helping others learn. My inner nerd does little happy dances every time I learn something new. Each person on this planet has their own God given talents. We have a responsibility to find our talents and to make the world a better place. How old you are wh
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24 Hours of Gratitude

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Coming Clean

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